Pão de Queijo (cheese bread, cheese pufss, cheese buns – did I forget any ??)

Making Pão de Queijo has become an obsession to me ! LOL Not because I am so inclined, but because my family give me constant ultimatum and I simply HAVE to make them. Period.

This is the best one I have so far – and the most similar to the Pão de Queijo Mineiro – but bare in mind it is just an approximation… My aunt sent me the recipe from São Paulo eons ago, but since the cured cheese she had in there was not available, I experimented with a few… Half Pecorino, half mozzarella is what has worked the best in my experience… next I will try Cheddar – and shall report fail or pass…


500g of tapioca starch (found at Asian stores, looks like this:DSC_8208
salt to taste (I use about 1 teaspoon)
300 ml of whole milk
150 ml of Canola oil
2 large eggs
500g of grated cheese (I use 250g mozzarella, 250g pecorino)

Place the tapioca in the beater, then warm the milk, salt and oil… Remove the mixture as soon as it boils and add it to the tapioca, mixing well.
IMPORTANT – let it cool and rest.
Really – the bread will not “puff” if you skip this step… it takes about 30 mins, so take this step into consideration if making the dish for a given event.

When cooled, add the eggs, one by one and mixing well to make sure it is completely incorporated. Add the cheese in the same fashion.

I find that letting it rest for another 10 minutes of so improves the recipe – you may want to slip this step… up to you.
Make little balls, about 1 teaspoon in size and bake in pre-heated 180C degree oven (350 F) for about 10 to 15 minutes or until slightly browned.

Stop eating after the 10th one if you can … (yields about 50 units, depending on the size of your teaspoon). 


  1. Vou tentar a sua receita esse fim de semana. Faz muito tempo que nao como pao de queijo! 🙂

    Moro na Australia faz 6 anos, e nao e facil adaptar os ingredientes daqui com receitas brasileiras.

  2. Oi Marcel – eu dei uma mudada na receita anteontem por causa do tempo …. 250 ml de leite e 125 ml de oleo.
    Nao dá pra enrolar, usa 2 colheres… mas fica mais fofinho….
    É verdade, não é fácil adaptar muito… mas a gente vai tentando !!

    A próxima que eu vou tentar é pastel !



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